Latest News

  • 13 Jul
    CBPS is conducting a study with UNICEF, Delhi to estimate the cost of a model Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Centre from learnings in three states of Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and Kerala. Our team visited the District Early Intervention Centre (DEIC) at Sir Sayajirao General Hospital in Vadodara, Gujarat. Observations and enquiries on the health care facilities there will help us understand the different models of ECCE.  Some photographs can be viewed here -  
  • 12 Jul
    Dr. Jyotsna Jha, Director of CBPS, puts forward her take on the budget viability of five New Government Guarantees in the recently held elections in Karnataka. As a speaker for the online platform Economic Matters, Jyotsna mentioned her stance on the welfare promises of the Congress Government after the state budget was released on 7th of July. In her talk with Prof. Subodh Mathur on 11th of July, she highlights the following points - The estimate for financing the welfare measures promised by the newly elected Congress Government is Rs. 52,000 crore per year. The Government has alloc...
  • 04 Jul
    Mr Madhusudhan B V Rao, Senior Research Advisor and Lead, Public Finance; Decentralisation at CBPS, was invited as a Resource Person on Child Budgeting to an online certification course organised by Gujarat National Law University on 29th June 2023. The course had 550 registered participants. Mr Rao’s session was attended by 430 participants, including advocates practising in the High Court and in trial courts, students of law and other disciplines, academicians, NGOs, and social workers.  The poster can be viewed here. Some of the photographs can be viewed here -
  • 03 Jul
    CBPS’ Annual Endowment Lecture on Budgets will be held on 14th July, 2023 at the Indian Institute of World Culture in Basavangudi, Bangalore. The two-hour lecture from 6pm to 8pm will delve into the topic ‘Karnataka's Post-election State Budget: Some reflections’. The lecture will be delivered by our distinguished speaker, Mr. Sanjay Kaul who is a Development Policy Analyst, Author and former Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer of the Karnataka cadre. He has also recently released his book titled ‘An Alternative Development Agenda for India’. Mr. Kaul will reflect on the new ...
  • 27 Jun
    Jyotsna Jha, DirectorCBPS, has been invited as a resource person for a workshop titled, ‘Teaching Physics Effective Online and Women in STEM’ on the 8 July 2023. Jyotsna Jha’s, Director CBPS address is titled ‘The many facets of limited access: the internet, smart devices and learning time’.  The workshop is being organised by the Department of Physics, School of Science, Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management (GITAM) - Hyderabad and the Gender in Physics Working Group (GIPWG), as a satellite event of the International Conference on Women in Physics (ICWIP) 2023. This is...
  • 23 Jun
    Mr Madhusudhan B V Rao, Lead, Public Finance; Decentralisation at the Centre for Budget and Policy Studies was invited to conduct a training session ‘Financial Analyses and the Budget’ on 21st June 2023 at the Administrative Training Institute, Mysore. The session was a part of the ‘204th Common Foundation Course for Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ Officers’, and was attended by nearly 80 participants from various government departments, including 40 revenue officers. Mr Madhusudhan B V Rao had a discussion and trained the participants regarding important aspects of the budgetary process. ...
  • 16 Jun
    A full day internal workshop was conducted on 8th of June 2023 for the project Analysis of Information Education and Communication (IEC) budgets, expenditure and approach of nationally important schemes across five states. This project is an ongoing project under the Governance and Accountability theme of CBPS and is funded by UNICEF India Country Office. The workshop was aimed at internal capacity building and training on the history of Behavioural Communication Change (BCC) and patterns of utilisation of funds under IEC components. The IEC budget components of five specific schemes that will...
  • 08 Jun
    We recently conducted a full-day workshop for the team members on one of our on-going projects, ‘Protecting and Enhancing Early Childhood Development (ECD) during the COVID-19 Crisis across the Indian States of Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, and Gujarat’, wherein Neha convened the workshop. The workshop aimed at building a shared understanding of ECD among team members, introducing the objectives and methodology of the study to newly joined team members, introducing the team to the framework of costing, and discussing the project timeline and planning, listing, and distribution of future tasks....
  • 08 Jun
    Neha Ghatak, Research Advisor and Lead, Education; Mixed Methods from CBPS has been invited to speak at the RightsCon Costa Rica today! RightsCon is a global summit on Human Rights in the digital age. She will be speaking about digital literacy, competence, and access to digital infrastructure in India. The event will be hosted online by Breakthrough. This session will include representatives from India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Hong Kong and the Philippines with people belonging to civil society organisations, donor organisations, academia and international development organisations. The sess...
  • 06 Jun
    This year marks the beginning of our one-year CBPS Research Fellowship where we have identified five budding researchers for mentoring. The Fellowship will help scholars to develop research skills in the areas of Education, Gender, Governance, Health & Nutrition, Public finance, Livelihoods and Social Security.