Governance & AccountabilityHealth Reports NUTRITIONPUBLIC SERVICE DELIVERY

Covid-19 and its effects on Nutritional Distribution in Karnataka - 2022

30 Sep 2022

Author: CBPS

Funding Partner: UNICEF, Hyderabad


This study seeks to understand the potentials and limits of the comprehensive supplemental nutrition interventions such as Mid-Day Meals and Take-Home Rations in Karnataka, particularly within the context of COVID-19 (March 2020 to December 2021), provided mostly via Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) and schools. It also aims to recommend methods to establish ways to mitigate the consequences of future crises on the nutritional health of children. We have examined how two districts – Tumakuru and Yadgiri – maintained their supplemental nutrition delivery systems and related functions in AWCs and schools during the pandemic. Qualitative interviews were performed at village, block, district, and state levels with stakeholders who were given roles and responsibilities to dispense different policies and programs linked to nutrition.

Yareseeme A. S., Raghuraman G., Prasad S. R., Jha J., Rao M.B.V., and R.T., (2022), “COVID-19 and its Effects on Nutritional Distributions in Karnataka” Centre for Budget and Policy Studies and UNICEF-Hyderabad Office, India

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