Our Work


Education has been one of the prime areas for studies at CBPS. Some of the earlier studies reviewed State Rules drafted for the RTE Act as well as financial and governance challenges for its implementation across different states. Impact of audio-video tools for teaching, quality of acceptance of children admitted under the RTE Act 25% reservation criteria, public expenditure analysis, teacher motivation aspects, review of the working conditi...


Reproductive Health and impact of Budgets on Health Outcomes has been one of the dominant areas of CBPS research work. Public Expenditure Analysis has also been conducted to understand how various income groups access public health care facilities. Various publicly-funded insurance schemes have also been reviewed and suggestions made for integration of Government of India and state government insurance schemes. Two rounds of evaluation for en...

Governance and Accountability

Decentralisation, Budget Analysis, Governance and Accountability are also focus areas of CBPS work. Workshops for enhancing facilitating inclusive participatory budgeting process and accountability have been conducted for urban local bodies and Gram Panchayats across various states. Understanding the determinants of own source revenues of Gram Panchayats as well as the criteria and processes for devolution of Plan funds through Centrally Spons...


Most of the health, education and budget related work by CBPS has incorporated gender as a special focus. Reproductive and Maternal Health and Public Expenditure Analysis are some of the studies that examined gender as a focus area. Currently, three major research studies primarily focusing on gender issues are being conducted. New employment opportunities and incidence of violence against women in Information Technology Industry is being expl...

Budgets in Karnataka

Budget analysis in its entirety and budget analysis by sectors like health, education, water supply, etc. and by interest groups such as gender, children, etc. has been major part of work in CBPS. The budget analysis work spans both the state and local government levels. CBPS is actively involved with budget advocacy and training. While the budget data may be accessed here, study reports involving budget analysis may b...

Water & Sanitation

Public expenditure analysis for the period 1999-2000 to 2012-13 to understand the foci and patterns of the Karnataka government's financing for the water sector has been undertaken. CBPS has also conducted a study on micro irrigation (drip and sprinkler) in Karnataka to assess the progress of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme, take stock of the achievements, problems and issues in its the implementation and document best practices adopted by dif...

About Us

CBPS Building

Centre for Budget and Policy Studies (CBPS) is a research based institution that was established in Bangalore, India, in January 1998, as an independent, non-partisan, not-for-profit society, registered under the Societies Registration Act. It was formed as an off-shoot from a research programme in the Development Research Foundation (DRF), a part of Technology Informatics Design Endeavour (TIDE), also a non-profit society in Bangalore.


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