Governance & Accountability Essays

Global Bengaluru: 21st Century Challenges

13 Mar 2009

Author: Vinod Vyasulu

Funding Partner: CBPS


In this essay, Vinod Vyasulu reflects on Bengaluru as a major participant in the global ecosystem, and how its adjustment to the same has come with affluence and growth, but multiple governance challenges for the future. He sketches out the history of modern Bengaluru, to illustrate the growth of the city and how it became a part of the global IT industry. However, as Vyasulu emphasises, this newfound position lies in a direct opposition to the local demands and issues that belied the city’s grandiosity. Along with infrastructural issues in a myriad of different areas, poor governance structures and an incomplete vision for the future not only hinder Benguluru’s potential, they have pulled the city into a state of decline.

Vyasulu, V. (2009). Global Bengaluru: 21st century challenges. Bengaluru: Centre for Budget and Policy Studies.

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