Governance & Accountability Reports LOCAL GOVERNANCE

Case Studies of Best Performing Panchayats under PEAIS Scheme: Koppa Taluk Panchayat

30 Aug 2013

Author: Shobha Veigas

Funding Partner: Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR), Govt. of India


This report presents a case study of Koppa Taluk Panchayat, recognized for its outstanding performance under the Panchayat Empowerment and Accountability Incentive Scheme (PEAIS). Through a comprehensive analysis, this study sheds light on the governance model, demographic features, management practices, transparency initiatives, and good practices employed by Koppa Taluk Panchayat. With a focus on empowering local bodies, the PEAIS was introduced in 2005-06 by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, incentivizing states to devolve powers to panchayats. The assessment criteria, including the Devolution Index developed by the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), evaluate states’ performance based on the devolution of finances, functions, and functionaries.

The study reveals Koppa Taluk’s proactive approach towards governance, management practices have significantly enhanced operational efficiency. Moreover, the emphasis on transparency and accountability reflects a commitment to citizen engagement. The report highlights specific good practices adopted by Koppa Taluk Panchayat and underscores its administrative prowess. Koppa Taluk Panchayat serves as a beacon of decentralised governance, embodying the principles of grassroots participation and civic awareness.

CBPS. (2013, August). Case studies of best performing panchayats: under PEAIS scheme – Koppa Taluk Panchayat. Centre for Budget and Policy Studies.

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