28 Nov 2003
This report discusses findings from a study conducted to assess the relative poverty status of new members of micro-finance or self-help groups (SHGs) in two panchayats of the Boipariguda block in Koraput district of Orissa, with the aim of the study to find out the relative poverty status of new members in comparison to non-members. This was organised by Prayas, a sister organisation to CYSD, with experience in organising development programmes such as formation of SHGs for women, watershed and agricultural intervention, formation of Community Based Organisations and social forestry management. The organisation interacts with the people as well as administration of an area to address its developmental issues.
Results from the study find that households that have contributed members to the new SHGs aided by Prayas belong to relatively higher categories in poverty rank as defined by the analysis for the survey population. While this is significant, it is important to note that this is a relative assessment, with most of the survey population falling below the conventional 2400 calorie consumption poverty line definition. The study also identifies some useful tools for the assessment of relative wealth status in villages, such as the presence of perennial streams and paddy cultivation that is irrigated by said streams., or spot checks to identify levels of food stocks for households in certain months.
Rath, S. (November, 2003). Productivity and food security: a marginal situation case study. Bengaluru: Centre for Budget and Policy Studies.